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  • Writer's pictureDr. Alla Arutcheva

Importance of Short Chain Fatty Acids for Whole Body Health

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), acetate (C2), propionate (C3), and butyrate (C4) are the end products of the interaction and fermentation of dietary fibers by the gut's friendly bacteria. They have many health effects on the body, including: 

  • Weight control: SCFAs may help with weight control by increasing feelings of fullness

  • Mineral absorption: SCFAs may increase mineral absorption by making the gut more acidic

  • Inflammation control: SCFAs may influence inflammation and play a role in treating people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). SCFAs can also inhibit carcinogenesis by promoting apoptosis (programmed cell death) and curbing the proliferation of tumor cells. 

  • SCFAs can improve gut barrier integrity and fight leaky gut. 

  • Blood pressure and energy intake. 

  • Glucose and lipid metabolism. 

  • Immune system: SCFAs can mediate the immune system and anti-inflammatory response, stimulate the production of intestinal IgA by B cells, and maintain immune tolerance in the gut. 

  • Central nervous system: SCFAs can modulate the central nervous system (CNS), act as communicators between the gut and brain 

Gut microbiota encompasses a wide variety of microorganisms consisting of trillions of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. This microbial population coexists in symbiosis with the host. The formation of SCFA is the result of a complex interplay between diet and the gut microbiota. Diet influences gut microbiota composition, SCFAs production, metabolic, endocrine, and immune functions, involved in weight regulation, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes.

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Kim Khuo Lang
Kim Khuo Lang
a day ago

I was diagnosed with Juvenile Parkinsonism at 16 after two years of doctor visits, tests and scary diagnosis. I remember being perfectly healthy, never even having had the flu until I was diagnosed. I was 47 at the time and was out to dinner with my family to celebrate after I got promoted at the office. While in the middle of a conversation with my mom, I passed out. About 30 seconds later I popped my head back up and continued like nothing had happened, while everyone looked like I was crazy. I lived with this all my life till someone told me about madida parkinson disease herbal formula. I placed an order from their website at madidaherbalcenter.weebly. com or madidaherbalcenter@gmail. com,…

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